
Fox News Poll: Biden Beats Trump by 8% in Pennsylvania

New poll puts Biden ahead of Trump

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By Elle Meyers

April 23, 2020

The poll’s results suggest that Trump’s unreliable leadership during the crisis has damaged his favorability among voters

A new Fox News poll shows Joe Biden commanding a significant lead over President Trump in Pennsylvania as voters react to the current administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. 

The survey, which was conducted April 18-21, shows the former vice president leading Trump by eight percentage points (50% to 42%). Pennsylvania voters helped Trump win the 2016 election by less than 1 percentage point.

In recent weeks, Biden has been forced to scale back campaigning because of the pandemic. The poll’s results, however, suggest that Trump’s unreliable leadership during the crisis has damaged his favorability among voters: 51% of respondents said they did not approve of his current job performance. Interestingly, 13% of those who do say they are not backing him for re-election.

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“This segment of voters who approve of the job Trump is doing but don’t currently back him against Biden is interesting,” Democratic pollster Chris Anderson, whose firm conducts the Fox News Poll with Republican Daron Shaw, told Fox News. “If voters approve of his leadership style but are questioning if it is right for the future, holding onto Pennsylvania will be challenging for Trump. But if they like Trump personally and will line back up behind him in November, the race could be very close.”

According to the poll, women, millennials, and suburban women are the voting blocs giving Biden the advantage.

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The poll also found that 69% of Pennsylvania voters approve of Gov. Tom Wolf’s handling of the crisis, including half of self-identified Republicans. Nearly two-thirds are more worried about public health than the economic fallout from coronavirus, and want to wait to reopen the economy. 

The Fox News poll surveyed a total of 803 Pennsylvania voters, and had a margin of error of plus-or-minus 3.5 percentage points. 


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